A great pack to help you talk to your group about a surprisingly common issue amongst young people.
The pack includes:
3 full-length sessions, that work alone or together with each other, all of which are interactive & designed to get young people thinking about youth homelessness
A session programme, explaining how all the sessions fit together, and how they might fit into your curriculum and meet your targets
A list of useful contacts relating to youth homelessness; feel free to share this with young people if you feel it’s appropriate
A factsheet of useful statistics about youth homelessness, which you could discuss with your young people, or simply use to create your own posters and displays
2 great ready-made posters for you to display around your centre
Some additional PDF resources, kindly donated by Shelter:
Homelessness advice booklet
Young people and housing rights advice booklet – “Know Your Rights”“Know your rights” – 16 or 17 and homeless advice factsheet
A check list for young people leaving home in a hurry/emergency
We hope this pack helps you to broach the complex and sensitive issue of youth homelessness with young people, and that your group(s) benefit from taking part.
The sessions work individually or together as part of your youth work curriculum; it's totally up to you how you use this Pack.
The Full Pack is available in PDF format, while most of the session plans & resources are also in Office 2003 & Office 2007 formats, in case you want to adapt them.
Recommended Age Groups: 12-15 16-19 20+
Youth Homelessness Resource Pack
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