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This Resource Pack was designed and created by the Youth Work Hub team to coincide with World Mental Health Day 2012.
The pack includes:
a cover letter, introducing the pack
a session programme, detailing all the sessions in the pack and how they fit together.
a session plan and printable resources for an interactive taster session, which uses celebrities to introduce mental health as a topic for discussion.
session plans and printable resources for four further interactive sessions covering stigma, depression, stress and the facts surrounding mental health in a fun & interesting way.
a "useful contacts" sheet for mental health info & advice.
three printable "info cards" - for you to hand out to your group(s) or just leave in your lobby for them to pick up.
The sessions work individually or together as part of your youth work curriculum; it's totally up to you how you use this Pack.
The Full Pack is available in PDF format, while most of the session plans & resources are also in Office 2003 & Office 2007 formats, in case you want to adapt them.
Recommended Age Groups: 12-15 16-19 20+
Mental Health Resource Pack
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